A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

Scanner / Dancer:

The circle moving around at different speeds according to the rhythm


Objects that appear before the beat and you will need to press your key on time to get combos and score


Aka beat per second, shows how many times you need to strike your key per second (good when doing long streams)

Kiai (The 2 squares at the top right):

dances/blinks/lights up to the beat (might help you with your timing)

Overlap Numbers:

numbers will be displayed when 2 or more notes is in the same position within a short time (good for fast bursts)


yuGen, a rhythm game written fully in python, with no game engines and stuff, the project was first inspired by another rhythm game called osu!, it's one of my favorite games to play so I thought to myself, why not make a rhythm game myself, I'll be able to learn various mechanics of the game including detecting key strikes, reading files, syncing with the beat, make an explosion effect when you hit a note, how fast does the scanner need to travel, combo systems, bezier curved animations,  etc

PlatformsWindows, macOS
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
Average sessionA few minutes
AccessibilityColor-blind friendly, High-contrast, Textless


yuGen_setup.exe 85 MB


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Same here. I came looking for SOURCE CODE <3 <3 <3


love your game!

(1 edit)

yoooooo hi

i need source code

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could I have the source code?